Medical leaders from U.S. Special Operations Command, the theater special operations commands, Department of Defense medical security cooperation entities, the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services and several allied nations discussed the use of medical security cooperation as an integral part of medical support to IW. Initiatives that focus on building ally and partner capacity for casualty care enhances their medical resiliency and enables their will to resist adversarial aggression.
The mission of the Special Operations Division is to support patrol operations by developing special tactics and deploying specially trained personnel in unusual law enforcement situations and events; assisting the District Commanders with selective traffic enforcement, traffic control, accident investigation and public vehicle regulation enforcement; and coordinating with other agencies and organizational elements concerning special events and potential catastrophic situations.
The Emergency Management Section Supervisor holds the rank of Major and also serves as Assistant Deputy State Director, Office of Emergency Management. The Section is under the command of the Deputy Superintendent of Homeland Security, who is the Deputy State Director, Office of Emergency Management. The Section organizes, directs, staffs, coordinates and reports the activities of the Communications Bureau, Emergency Preparedness Bureau, and Recovery Bureau. The Supervisor and staff facilitate the flow of information to and from the various Bureaus supervised and serve as a conduit for communication with other Division entities. The Section is also responsible for planning, directing and coordinating emergency operations within the State which are beyond local control. The following three Bureaus make up Emergency Management Section: The following three Bureaus make up Emergency Management Section:
Commercial Carrier/Safety Inspection Unit personnel are responsible for implementation and enforcement of the federal regulations governing commercial vehicle drivers, related safety equipment, and the transportation of hazardous materials over state highways. They are also responsible for the enforcement of the commercial vehicle size and weight laws. Having adopted the Federal Motor Carrier Hazardous Materials Regulations and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, the Division has assigned numerous teams of troopers, with specialized training, to conduct roadside inspections of commercial vehicles to enforce federal safety regulations. Additional responsibilities include unannounced school bus safety inspections and commercial vehicle safety presentations to both the public and private sectors.
The troopers assigned to the Unit receive specialized training in work-zone safety and traffic control for highway construction areas. This training is combined with their experience in motor vehicle law enforcement to create a comprehensive safety program.
The Incident Management Unit is part of the Statewide Transportation and Incident Management Coordination Program consisting of the Division of State Police, New Jersey Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Federal Highway Administration. This group plays an active role in the overall process of traffic incident management by detecting and verifying the majority of incidents, with patrol vehicles and emergency 911 communications system. The State Police are responsible for the overall management of the response and are responsible for coordinating the recovery operations of the towing industry and clean up contractors at major incidents. The State Police is responsible to maintain the Incident Management Diversion Plans for the State and implement them during major incidents.
The Unit maintains security enhancement for the Statehouse Complex through high visibility patrols, explosives sweeps, and covert operations. The Unit currently has detachments on the New Jersey Turnpike and the Atlantic City Airport.
Rescue Operations: The TEAMS Unit is called upon to perform high-angle and confined space rescue operations during the response and recovery phase of any critical incident. The Unit is a support element for the New Jersey Urban Search & Rescue Team (NJTF-1). In addition, the Unit has helicopter rappel capabilities to either employ a rescue operation or perform a linear tactical assault.
Underwater Search and Recovery: The TEAMS Unit is utilized to conduct underwater search and recovery operations for criminal evidence and unfortunate drowning victims. TEAMS can perform SCUBA operations anywhere in the state, under some of the most severe maritime conditions. TEAMS also performs tactical maritime operations with our Marine Bureau assets.
The Johns Hopkins LIFELINE Critical Care Transport Program is the oldest and most experienced specialty emergency transport system of its kind in the state of Maryland. This hospital-based program was primarily designed to provide Advanced Life Support and Critical Care services for patients referred by physicians to the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions from throughout region and around the country. Since its inception in 1992, emergency medicine physicians have been centrally involved in the development, administration and management of this highly complex and successful program.Today, the medical direction and oversight for LIFELINE continues to draw from the faculty and fellows of the Division of Special Operations. DSO physicians provide 24/7 medical control and consultation for LIFELINE providers in transport through HOPCOMM, the comprehensive emergency communications center for the system. LIFELINE remains dedicated to the delivery of the highest level of safe, cost-effective and efficient patient transport into the Johns Hopkins Health System with a commitment to professional excellence.
Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine has provided dedicated medical oversight and direction for law enforcement since 1999. In 2004, Johns Hopkins developed an advanced program to support the specialized needs of Tactical Medics assigned to SWAT and Special Response Teams. In 2007, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Emergency Medicine was established within this infrastructure as a collaborative initiative between Johns Hopkins and its allied law enforcement agency partners. Today, the Center for Law Enforcement Medicine stands capable of assisting with the development of all aspects of law enforcement operational medicine programs and is a model for such medical direction and support nationally.
Lt. Gen. Braga (USASOC), Lt. Gen. Barret (ARCYBER), and Lt. Gen Karbler will discuss how their commands are integrating capabilities to create a triad that influences future multi-domain and full-spectrum operations and provides the joint force with an enhanced capability to see, sense, stimulate, strike and assess across the spectrum.
Our mission is to recruit, train, sustain, and deploy scalable, expeditionary forces worldwide to accomplish special operations missions assigned by U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). To accomplish that, we equip and train Marines to succeed in austere conditions against a wide range of adversaries. Marine Raiders execute complex, distributed operations in uncertain environments, achieving silent success and strategic impact.
Search and RescueRescue services are also provided by Special Operations personnel. This includes land, water, ice and high-angle rescue. The unit oversees the all-volunteer Search and Rescue unit. Search and Rescue members are highly dedicated, attending 40 training sessions a year. They are called out on average 30 times a year. The unit is also equipped with a fully certified and trained bomb tracking dog. Search and Rescue members assist in the search for lost hunters, hikers, and snowmobilers as well as providing security and first aid at special events. Volunteers must complete an application to be returned to the Sheriff's Office or emailed to sennett@mqtco.org
Rescue Unit 131Also assigned to the unit is Marquette County Rescue Unit 131. This unit is manned by on-call personnel. The unit specializes in technical rescue and vehicle extrication, is trained in Haz-Mat procedures, trench rescue and stabilization, and Bio-Hazard and weapons of mass destruction decontamination techniques.
SOE's director of operations was Commando officer Brigadier Colin Gubbins whose interest in irregular warfare originated from his service during the Irish War of Independence (1919-21). Gubbins had also been involved in planning to establish a sabotage force to work behind the lines during any German invasion of Britain.
Unlike other special forces, SOE operatives usually wore civilian clothes. This meant they could expect to be shot as spies if captured. They also risked torture by German Gestapo operatives trying to extract information.
SIS did not want SOE disrupting their agents' intelligence-gathering operations by blowing up bridges and factories. Similarly, Bomber Command resented having to loan aircraft for SOE missions. They wanted to win the war by bombing Germany to its knees. But with Churchill as their ally, SOE - like many other wartime special forces - survived and flourished.
SOE operations often relied on resistance support or help from local people. This led to brutal reprisals against civilian populations. After the killing of Heydrich in 1942, the SS murdered 5,000 men, women and children in two villages near Prague.
The Special Operations Unit (SOU) is a collaborative investigative effort with the California Department of Justice and the California Highway Patrol that provides statewide enforcement for combating violent career criminals, gangs, and organized crime groups. The SOU evaluates and validates information by examining critical records and conducting field surveillances to identify methods of operation as well as the focus on the organizational hierarchy networks. Personnel conduct undercover operations to gather evidence leading to the arrest and prosecution of the principals involved. Emphasis is placed on target selection to insure the elimination of the criminal organization rather than just the random arrest of easily replaced members. 041b061a72