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Barronstoeic5theditioncd ##BEST##


this recipe shows the baron stoeic 5theditioncd mount options. mounting iso images is traditionally done with the loop mount option. the baronstoeic5theditioncd mount option overrides the loop mount option and makes it possible to mount iso images directly.

because the baronstoeic5theditioncd mount option overrides loop, you have to use the -o argument when specifying the mount options. the following command lets you mount the centos-5.3.0-39.el5.centos.ce-5.i386.iso iso image from a cd.

the -o argument is short for opt ioctl loop opts. it lets you specify how the iso image should be mounted. you'll specify -o when you mount the iso image. the following command mounts the iso image on the filesystem called /mnt with the baronstoeic5theditioncd mount option.

the iso image uses the loop ioctl loop opts. you'll see that option in the specification for baronstoeic5theditioncd in the fedora recipe . the loop ioctl opts set some mount options. for example, the following command lets you mount the iso image on the filesystem called /mnt with the baronstoeic5theditioncd mount option.

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