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Yay, more books! First: Amazing experience with customer service after I had a bit of trouble getting started. Quick email response with the right fix, and hooray - book! Second: This app is NOT an eReader or bookstore. You get a code for a book (maybe an author promo?) from wherever you got it. You open Bookfunnel, enter the code, & say what format you want (Kindle, Nook, pdf, etc). The app downloads your book & opens your reader. It works just fine on my S7. My free author-promo title was $10 on Amazon, so I'm thrilled!
We believe the Church should have open access to Scripturally/Theologically sound edifying Christian literature and that one need not be held back from having a significant Christian library because of cost. Our ministry at Monergism involves providing quality Christian literature in accessible formats for free. These eBooks are high quality (not scanned) and available in ePub, .mobi (kindle) & .pdf formats, each with actively linked table of contents. The links below will take you to the download page. Lord willing, this list will continue to grow.
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